Amidst the deep mountain ranges resides a peculiar and feather-footed tiny creature which have existed for over a billion years. Taiwan is home to five unique species of Formosan salamanders, all of which are endemic to the island. The film takes us on a journey into the forest alongside dedicated researchers who have spent over 17 years exploring and studying the wild terrain. In their quest to find the endemic salamanders of Taiwan, they persistently turn over stones in the forest. Some even sacrificing their lives on the mountains in the pursuit of this goal. 云雾深锁的台湾山区,有一种举步轻缓、相貌奇特的小动物,它们出现在亿万年前的地球上 ,看过恐龙称霸,甚至经历了恐龙大灭绝、人类诞生。台湾竟然有5种特有种的山椒鱼,它们 生活在中、高海拔的山区,而多高山的台湾,成为了全世界山椒鱼分布的最南界。然而,来自 冰河的山椒鱼,在地球暖化、山林开放、栖地受到干扰的威胁下,族群正面临存亡的迫切危 机。电影镜头走入台湾山林,历时17年用文字和影像记录长年奔闯在山之巅、水之湄的台湾 山林真英雄~山椒鱼研究人员。 • Not eligible for vouchers. • Not valid with VIP and/or Complimentary Passes (including Advertiser Pass). • Not valid with any credit card offers. • Not valid for purchase with HSBC Movie Card. • Not valid with GV Staff Pass or Exhibitor VIP Pass. • Not valid for redemption with Annual Pass & GV Good eDeals